Blog posts
Explore the world of sustainable jewelry in our latest blog posts.

Zodiac Birthstones A Guide to the Gems of the Stars
The Magic of Zodiac Birthstones Historical Background of Birthstones Exploring Zodiac Signs and Their Birthstones Incorporating Zodiac Birthstones into Jewelry

Discover the Charm of Aquamarine: The Birthstone for March
The Allure of Aquamarine: A Timeless Gemstone Aquamarine Birthstone Month: A March Tradition Aquamarine in Fashion and Jewelry OBY Jewelry’s Aquamarine Collection How to Care for Aquamarine Jewelry Celebrate March...

Garnet: January's Birthstone
Understanding Garnets Ancient Civilizations Garnet Symbolism The Beauty of Garnet in Jewelry

Why Choose Turquoise Birthstone Jewelry
Turquoise: A Gemstone Steeped in History and Symbolism OBY Jewelry’s Turquoise Collection Why Choose Turquoise Jewelry from OBY Jewelry?

December Birthstones Note
Turquoise Protected Gemstones Tanzanite: The Rare Beauty Zircon: The Versatile Gem Choosing the Right December Birthstone The Healing Properties of December Birthstones

What Is The Most Expensive Birthstone?
The Global Value of Birthstones Diamonds: The Eternal Classic Sapphire: Royalty in Blue Emerald: Nature’s Masterpiece Ruby: The King of Gemstones Which Is the Most Expensive Birthstone?

The Ultimate Birthstone Guide
The Origins of Birthstones Birthstone Chart January: Garnet February: Amethyst March: Aquamarine April: Diamond May: Emerald June: Pearl and Alexandrite July: Ruby August: Peridot September: Sapphire October: Opal and Tourmaline...

November Birthstones Edits
Topaz: The Gem of power Symbolism Citrine: The Merchant's Stone Symbolism The Future of Topaz and Citrine in Jewelry Design